Suzi Tarrant
Clinical Psychologist
Nature Connection Leader & Guide
For an excellent overview of "The State of Energy Psychology Research" see ACEP's (the Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology) website here.
"The Science behind Energy Psychology" - download a quick fact sheet here
Psychoanalytic Energy Psychotherapy (PEP) developed by Dr Phil Mollon Ph.D.
Exploring the dynamics of the mind expressed in the energy fields of the body - a therapeutic synergy inspired by Thought Field Therapy, EFT, TAT, and Seemorg Matrix www.philmollon.co.uk
Energy Psychotherapy Network A network in the UK for practitioners who integrate energy psychology methods into their psychotherapeutic practice energypsychotherapyworks.co.uk
Donna Eden’s Energy Medicine innersource.net/em/
Roger Callahan’s Thought Field Therapy www.rogercallahan.com/
Gary Craig’s website (Founder of EFT) www.emofree.com/
EFT Mini Manual www.eftuniverse.com/images/pdf_files/EFTMiniManual.pdf
Tapas Acupressure Technique (TAT) www.tatlife.com/

AAMET (Association for the Advancement of Meridian Energy Techniques) Worlwide EFT Association www.aamet.org/
Energy Psychology: Theory, Research and Treatment, A Professional Journal
This is a peer-reviewed professional journal dedicated to reporting developments in the field of Energy Psychology (EP) that are of interest to healthcare professionals and researchers. It contains original empirical research into the efficacy of EP methods; theoretical, experimental and basic science papers illuminating the mechanisms of action of EP; clinical insights on the application of EP to various populations, and interfaces with other interventions; book reviews, and abstracts published in other journals that are of relevance to the EP field. Its goal is to further the development of EP as an evidence-based method in the healing sciences. energypsychologyjournal.org/